Monday, February 7, 2011


Through the training with Law of Attraction Practice, I'm proudly want to change the rudeness sequel to politeness sequel hehehe...

Do you think seriously what we ever talking everyday can be true, even if we put NOT in front of the words.. i.e: I'm NOT difficult, I DON'T want to be poor, I'm NOT clever...
Sometimes, what we talk everyday is the pray that we ask god to be true. In islamic thought, every single word enter form our mouth or in our heart is a pray... So, always watch our words!!!! Throw away negative thought and always attract positive thought... thanks


  1. bahasa menunjukkan sapa diri kita. bagaimana kita bertutur, gaya, bahasa, cara... semua menggambarkan kita org yg macam mana.

  2. Hi cahaya... Slamat pagi hehehe...

    Yup, bahasa melambangkan siapa kita, sopan atau biadap...


Sila komen dengan berhemah.. Terima kasih