Thursday, September 9, 2010

Youth Social Services - Konvoi Singgah Sahur 2 (2010)

       Greeting, last year... the first Konvoi Singgah Sahur was successfully hels and organised by 4B Youths of Kota Melaka... Refer to THIS.

This year, the second Konvoi Singgah Sahur has been successfully organised by 4B Youths of Kota Melaka and Melaka States, with cooperation with MGBM, RKSK, BMW Melaka Club, PROSBOC BLM Melaka Owners and Fadhilat Herbs on 4th September 2010 (26 Ramadhan). With the larger convoy, approximately 70 shiny cars flow on the roads throughout Melaka City that has the largest population in Melaka State.
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In my experience, this is the larger humanity convoy that I've ever participated... If possible, I want to go to Gaza with the Humanity and Peace Convoy, but.... I have insufficient time and funds to go there... So, convoying here is better than just do nothing....

This happily program was held from 10.00 p.m. until 4.30 a.m. Launce d and released by our beloved Chief Minister, closing with Sahur, also with Chief Minister at Bukit Godek. (Pak Buang's House)...

Hope this program will continuing every years before Raya... Amin

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*All picture credited to Atin Shadan…. MOre on her facebook…


Sila komen dengan berhemah.. Terima kasih