Sunday, November 21, 2010

School Holiday!!! Yeah!!!! vs Noooo!!!!!

Picture creadited to
Yeah!!! This is a school holiday!
No!!!! Selected to take attendances for SPM candidates!

Yeah!!! A month break!!!
No!!!! Insufficient fund to travel oversea...

Yeah!!!! Can rest peacefully without homework..
No!!!! someone folio was missing!!!

Yeah!!! Can attend plenty activities.....
No!!!! Got Xtra classes on tuition...

Yeah!!!! Can make money!!!
No!!!! Not enough fund to start one...

But, now, I hope ths new business that I've making will be a very successfully business... Amin

Happy School Holiday... Take care


  1. hiiiiiiii.... how r u.. itrs been long time i havent heard any news from u... still teaching i guess?

  2. Hye... ALhamdulillah... FIne TQ... How bout U?? How do you do??

    Erm.. Still Teaching and now quite busy with business...

  3. Happy school Holiday...Cikgu Nizam..
    this is my first time jumped into a teacher's blog...anyway..I'm Cik Peah..I have children to raise..hopefully your teachings can guide me in my raising...

    Money: We have purchased Amanah Hartanah Bumiputera (AHB)


Sila komen dengan berhemah.. Terima kasih