Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What is The Plastiki?

What is The Plastiki?

Plastiki is the sailboat made up by nature activist in US and voyages across the Pacific Ocean. In this journey, they campaign  about reduce, reuse and recycle the plastic bottle because plastic bottle is the main source of pollution (up to 90% of pollution).

How about Malaysian?? Let's build our own product from plastic bottle in order to reduce the pollution...

The expedition of Plastiki


  1. plastiki tuh wat dri plastik bottle ker?

  2. yup... 100% base dier dari botol plastik yg diletakkan karbon dioksida...

    Thanks lawat

  3. lupa lak nak cakap.... klik jer kat gambar dier klu nak tgk image yg besar


Sila komen dengan berhemah.. Terima kasih