Thursday, November 26, 2009


Greeting, Tomorrow is the biggest day for muslim because of the Eid-Ul-Adha celebration...

Eid-ul Adha is the day to remind the sacrificial made by the Nabi Ibrahim (Abraham PBUH) and his son Ismail during DzulHijjah.

Once Abraham PBUH got back to Mekah (Mecca) to meet his wife and son, Abraham built Kaabah as the Kiblah for muslim around the world. After that, He got a message from god to slaughter his son, Ismail. Abraham became sad but he obey god's order.

He brought Ismail to the silent place and ask Ismail about the order from god. Ibrahim became pity to his son. Ismail said, "if there is an order from god, I won't hesitate to do."

Then, Abraham slaughtered his son, but Allah the Almighty changes it with the big goat (kybas).

In this islamic historical story, Eid-Ul-Adha is the day to remember the sacrificial made by the man to fulfill the god order. Habil and Qabil (Adam's sons) sacrificed their crops and animal, but Allah accepted the best one.

If we want to sacrifice something on this celebration, sacrifice the best animals with sincere heart. God's will, you will get the better properties...

Another than that, sacrifice not only means to sacrifice animals but more than that, sacrifice you time, your money to increase your life and the community. So, let's sacrifice and help each other in this big community...


Sila komen dengan berhemah.. Terima kasih