Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mind your Gap!!!


The principal of my school just give m a simple advise. Mind your gap with the student!!! But, I don't think the 'big gap' between teacher and students can guide to success. I'm rather disagree with her thought. Because, If we get close to the students, the student will listen to our lessons. For an example, the lazy students at the class 3D became slightly hardworking in my lab because I'm getting close to them. What do you think about this matter?? Give your opinion please.


  1. hmmm....

    bg pandangan yanie...
    kalau guru tu mesra dengan pelajar
    diorang lagi respek....
    lagi lebih suker datang kelas...

    kalau guru garang sangat...takut di benci pelajar...

    mcm pengalaman yanie dulu....
    kalau cikgu garang jer....mula la di label mcm2 oleh member2..

    kalau guru mesra....member2 senang berbicara dan ada rasa hormat....

    sekian.terima kasih.


  2. well, maybe too close can lead to other probs, maybe that's what she meant..but, hell yeah, i hate the gaps make the students felt awkward

  3. mungkin dgn gap, dia maksudkan boleh mesra, tapi jgn sampai budak pijak kepala...? eg. bergurau yg over² dgn cikgu. agaknya lah :)

  4. close is ok but always have a limit between you and students so that they know and respect the boundary :)

  5. pliz be close wif students bcoz students [like me] don like teachers who really skema..
    juz be friendly but yeah..
    ade batasan nye la..
    kitorg akn lebih selesa if teachers getting closer to us..
    making jokes and so on..

  6. [Amira]: Its ok...

    [yanie]: erm.. sama-sama... kalau rapat tapi garang?

    [Zara]: hopefully, the friendly thing will not lead to another probs...

  7. [kucingorengsedap]: adeh... sakit pala den kena pijak.

    [Faisal]: yup!! too close like friend can decrease the respestiveness... If too far can lead to the students hatred...

  8. [sakinah]: what if, the close teacher is the skema one?? ya.. ya.. making jokes and suddenly lost idea... hoho... how embarrassing..

  9. well,i think u shoudn't get too close with the students because sometime we felt very weird but just be friendly.herm..i saw the principal walk along the corridor outside our lab..she got a really fierce look on her face..right after that i really get into the lesson and the experiment you were teaching..(actually b4 that i was quite sleepy)BTW you r really one person who is never pay attention to the students..i kept yelling your name..i'm getting tired of it..daaa

  10. tak salah kan cikgu rapat dgn pelajar selagi pelajar tak ambik kesempatan dan cikgu pun dapat ajar dgn lebih berkesan

  11. [mz~yana]: huhu... wierd eh?? But, This is my way of teaching...

    Sorry for that, I dunno why I can't listen to others when focussing on someone (when explained the lesson).... The 1F student sulked with that... maybe, I'll try to listen, but... try to wait until I've finished the conversation with other...

  12. [zamz]: erm... mungkin cara yg lebih berkesan... rapat ngan ibu bapa dia skali... boleh mintak izin nak guna rotan ker haha...

  13. You're a young thing among students, thats what she meant, coz you look young and hip, students could misjudge you, as long as you are firm where you stand as a teacher and students know the boundaries between you, that's such a moderation gap to mind and gain respects. Hey, Thanks for visiting, made me smile too, spott ya soon :)

  14. yes.
    some pupils, take advantage when the teacher seem too close to them.
    try to avoid :)

  15. ok gak...
    kalau garang lite2

  16. Setelah 18 tahun mengajar....
    ckLah memang sentiasa merapati murid.....

    Meski senakal mana...
    ckLah akan 'tawan' murid itu, sehingga dia akhirnya 'memerlukan' ckLah...
    Bukan takut....tetapi hormat dan sayang....

    Sekali kita sudah memilih untuk kerjaya yang dipangggil 'cikgu' ini...kita kenalah jadikan kerja itu bukan sekadar kerja...tapi 'passion' kita...

    Errr..tak apa ke tulis panjang-panjang ni....
    Memang tak ingat dunia kalau bercakap pasal 'passion' cklah ni...

  17. [babypose]:

    thanks for visiting too... huhu.. beyond the boundaries... the students can simply 'step on our head'... but, I'll try to compare education and friend... hard to deal with them lately...

    The student took advantages to the friendly lab assistant too...

    Just make me mad, and wait my highest voice volume...

    Takpa... boley jer komen berkoyan-koyan.. passion... this is the correct word... tapi, mungkin sbg cikgu muda, student kurang respek...

  18. then make a strict point.
    tell them what they can and can't do :)

  19. kalau cikgu pandai xde masalah punye...

  20. cikgu..bukan 3 damai malas tapi x tau cikgu cakap ape..tak paham cikgu punye eng..

  21. n...jaga sikit cikgu punye emo..buruk!!boleh dikatakan...


Sila komen dengan berhemah.. Terima kasih