Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happy Teacher's Day...

16th May 2009 is the special day for the teachers across this county....

Being Teacher is the noble work that need full commitment to involve in... People always thought that being teacher is easier because their working period from 7.40 a.m. until 2.40 p.m. only... But, back there, a lot of things must be done by the teacher, due to their responsibilities to guide the offspring of humans. If they fail to teach the youngster with good attitude and good academics, you can imagine what will happen to our country in 30 to 40 years leater.

Teachers must have the sense of teach, from the pure heart. So, the students willing to listen to the teacher, even the teachers are so fierce or too humble... It's doesn't matter, as long as the teachers will teach patiently, then the right path will discover. Because the education is a bright light to our hearts, so teachers must guide their students with good and strong intuition and knowledge...

Look at this link. This is the result of the community mindset. Everyone want to be a teacher, but everyone does not really care about the students matter. Only thinking about to find the money... (not all lar I mean)

Teachers always appeared as the role model to the students. But, sometime students find out there are the hypocracies inside their teachers and then, lost their respectiveness to the teacher... This can break the student-teacher relationship. So, as the teacher, act as you are, but shows the motivational value inside you. For the students, please do not lose respect to your teacher, ty to accept whoever your teacher... Teachers are human too. Every humans make mistake...

Move forward the relationship of student-teacher, we can change the faith if every single adolescent can success in their education and attitude. But, teachers alone can't change at all... We need support from the parents, communities and government. So, lets change the world!!!

Happy teacher's Day!!!

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