Limbang is the small town with non-hectic life in here. But, without hectic life, I'm gradually becoming lazy and lazy and lazy... huhu
But, I'm always miss MGSS.... Since 2008 until the very end of 2013, I'm always moved in and out of MGSS... Since my life as a replacement teacher, contracted teacher, practical teacher and KGSK teacher, MGSS always calling me to teach their student... haha
But, what make MGSS unique??
secondly, as old and antique school (since 1904), MGSS has many historical buildings with esthetically value itself. MGSS has pre and post independent history that makes the school became the place of integration of all races in Tranquerah (Tengkera in modern day).
thirdly, MGSS has fascinating and professional administration teachers. The principal and the Vice-Principals (GPK-GPK) played the good role as the leaders of the school.
fourthly, MGSS has teachers with the same aspirations and easy to discuss. The job environment always being wonderful and joyful with the teachers that always shared their problems and their happiness with us, and very helpful to others... =)
Fifthly, and finally, of course the students... Students in MGSS always being respectful to others and towards teachers.... although I'd crisis and misunderstanding once with students, but the problems gradually solved (or being forgotten huhu :'( ) All Girls student are the one with modesty and kind to each other in school environment, or even at outside of the school. The best about MGSS students are the integration that occurred in that school. No such thing like only one race in discussion. The inter-races and inter-religions relationship that existed in MGSS was so adorable...
MGSS is the half-government school. with the supportive admin, teachers, students, and also parents... I believed MGSS will becomes leader in integration and inspiration school (Sekolah Wawasan)